what happens to pool if ZIL dies on ZFS v14

jhell jhell at DataIX.net
Sat Sep 18 00:51:41 UTC 2010

On 09/17/2010 12:48, Bryan Drewery wrote:
>> The ZIL is still used even without a dedicated log device. Disabling
>> it is *stupid* in most cases.
>> Same goes for disabling the ARC.
>> There is a lot of FUD out there regarding ZFS tuning. The bottom line:
>> don't tune; add more RAM.
> http://www.solarisinternals.com/wiki/index.php/ZFS_Evil_Tuning_Guide#Disabling_the_ZIL_.28Don.27t.29

This article is what I think of every time I see a user say they need to
get a bigger ZIL vdev or slog in other terms. Ive seen people solely buy
a 200GB drive just for the purpose of a slog. This is a sheer waste. If
your going to buy drive or even use an existing one then partition that
drive with one partition of 512MB, which you will never get to the end
of, and then use the rest for a quick backup drive.



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