Do we want a periodic script for a zfs scrub?

jhell jhell at
Wed Jun 9 15:31:19 UTC 2010

On 06/09/2010 10:26, Alexander Leidinger wrote:
> Hi,
> I noticed that we do not have an automatism to scrub a ZFS pool
> periodically. Is there interest in something like this, or shall I keep
> it local?
> Here's the main part of the monthly periodic script I quickly created:
> ---snip---
> case "$monthly_scrub_zfs_enable" in
>     [Yy][Ee][Ss])
>         echo
>         echo 'Scrubbing of zfs pools:'
>         if [ -z "${monthly_scrub_zfs_pools}" ]; then
>                 monthly_scrub_zfs_pools="$(zpool list -H -o name)"
>         fi
>         for pool in ${monthly_scrub_zfs_pools}; do
>                 # successful only if there is at least one pool to scrub
>                 rc=0
>                 echo "   starting scrubbing of pool '${pool}'"
>                 zpool scrub ${pool}
>                 echo "      consult 'zpool status ${pool}' for the result"
>                 echo "      or wait for the daily_status_zfs mail, if
> enabled"
>         done
>         ;;
> ---snip---
> Bye,
> Alexander.

Please add a check to see if any resilerving is being done on the pool
that the scub is being executed on. (Just in case), I would hope that
the scrub would fail silently in this case.

Please also check whether a scrub is already running on one of the pools
and if so & another pool exists start a background loop to wait for the
first scrub to finish or die silently.

I had a scrub fully restart from calling scrub a second time after being
more than 50% complete, its frustrating.




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