spurious ZFS "dataset does not exist" errors

a.smith at ukgrid.net a.smith at ukgrid.net
Tue Dec 7 11:16:02 UTC 2010


   I have now repeated this several times and continue to receive  
these weird errors. To confirm my steps to produce this, I am simply  

zpool create nas1bkp raidz ada4p1 ada5p1 ada6p1 ada7p1

zfs send nas1/iscsi-cctv at another | zfs receive nas1bkp/iscsi-cctv

The send takes over 12 hours as the volume size is nearly 3TB. I  
therefore used the disown command to allow the process to complete  
while not connected to the server. I tested this also using the nohup  
command with the same result. I also tested using a small test volume  
of just 100M and I don't get the same errors. So its only occuring  
with very large send/receive operations.

If no one has any ideas, or any other tests I might do then I guess  
I'm just gona have to ignore these as the pool seems fine aparte from  
these... :S

thanks Andy.

Quoting a.smith at ukgrid.net:

> Hi,
>   I have been setting up a new ZFS pool to which I am replicate via  
> ZFS send/receive a (raw) volume from another pool. After creating  
> the duplicate volume in the new pool and having tested that it works  
> (it does) I exported the ZFS pool and it gives me the following  
> errors:
> # zpool export nas1bkp
> cannot open 'nas1bkp/iscsi-cctvp3': dataset does not exist
> cannot open 'nas1bkp/iscsi-cctvp2': dataset does not exist
> cannot open 'nas1bkp/iscsi-cctvp1': dataset does not exist
> Its quite right, those datasets don't exist. But why is it even  
> trying to touch something that doesn't and has never existed.  
> Devices that actually exist are shown here:
> # zfs list
> nas1                3.19T  2.15T   648M  /nas1
> nas1/cctv           2.53M  2.15T  2.53M  /nas1/cctv
> nas1/iscsi-cctv     3.19T  2.65T  2.65T  -
> nas1/zfssend        28.4K  50.0G  28.4K  /nas1/zfssend
> nas1bkp             3.19T  2.15T  28.4K  /nas1bkp
> nas1bkp/iscsi-cctv  3.19T  2.65T  2.65T  -
> nas1bkp/zfsrecv     26.9K  50.0G  26.9K  /nas1bkp/zfsrecv
> Anyone any idea whats going on? Spurious errors make me nervous!
> thanks Andy.

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