Help needed! ZFS I/O error recovery?

Solon Lutz solon at
Wed Oct 14 23:11:44 UTC 2009

>> I just tried it with more TXGs, even with a jump of -300, but it always gives
>> an "cannot iterate filesystems: I/O error" error if I try to import the pool.

>> Also because of mounting the pool, the TXg has gone up to 13445935 from
>> initially 13462284.

> We can try to turn off checksum verification entirely, but it will most
> likely just panic your system.

> If you want to do this, edit
> sys/cddl/contrib/opensolaris/uts/common/fs/zfs/sys/spa.h file and change
> ZIO_CHECKSUM_EQUAL() macro to something like this:

> #define ZIO_CHECKSUM_EQUAL(zc1, zc2)    (1)

Yes, it paniced as soon as I tried zpool import. Can you tell where ZFS is taking
the information from, that there are I/O errors? Is this based on checksums or is
there some kind of I/O-error-flag?


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