trace for zfs panic mounting fs after crash with RC2

Gerrit Kühn gerrit at
Fri Nov 6 22:14:46 UTC 2009

On Fri, 06 Nov 2009 13:10:34 +0100 Dimitry Andric <dimitry at>
wrote about Re: zfs panic mounting fs after crash with RC2:

DA> On 2009-11-06 09:47, Gerrit Kühn wrote:
DA> > unfortunately I got no answer concerning this problem so far on
DA> > -stable and -current (apart from the suggestion to try it again
DA> > here :-). I can reproduce the panic, and if someone can guide me
DA> > what to do with kdb, gdb, zdb or whatever tool might be needed to
DA> > get the information needed to fix this, I'm all ears...

DA> At least a backtrace would be nice. :)

I recomplied the kernel with ddb support and got the following trace
(using mount -t zfs instead of zfs mount this time, but getting the same


I have the system still sitting at this point and can also 100% reproduce
the panic. Please let me know if (and how) any further information can get
pulled out of the debugger.


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