re-adding a replacement into a pool of mirrors

Wes Morgan morganw at
Fri Aug 21 23:58:41 UTC 2009

On Sat, 22 Aug 2009, Randy Bush wrote:

>>>>>> It might be worth zeroing the whole disk with dd if=/dev/zero
>>>>>> of=/dev/da1s3 bs=64k, and then see if you can re-attach.
>>>>> went single luser, zapped the drive, took a nap, then
>>>>>    zpool attach tank da0s3 da1s3
>>>>> worked.  so geom did have it!
>>>> I'm not sure geom had it more than the slice had a zfs label on it and as
>>>> a foot-shooting precaution it did not want to let you add a device
>>>> from another pool to the existing one. Just a guess, though. Was the
>>>> replacement drive brand new?
>>> yep, brand new.
>> Perhaps it was pre-formatted as fat32?
> well, at the same time i replaced the bad spindle, i put a spare in.
> the spare came from the same source.  so how would i look to see who's
> claws are gripping it?

"geom <class> list" might show you something... Try the part and label 

You're using a partition for the vdev rather than the entire disk. What 
partition type did you use for creating it?

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