Areca vs. ZFS performance testing.

Danny Carroll danny at
Mon Nov 17 15:46:17 PST 2008

Matt Simerson wrote:
> Disk caching is a completely different animal, and one which I didn't
> mention.  I'm spoke only about the write cache on the controller. Mine
> all arrived off by default, which is a VERY reasonable default
> configuration. Page 97 of the manual says about it:

Ahhh, no I was talking about the disk cache setting.   That is the one
that is set to on by default (at least for me).

I find it strange that this is the case.  IMHO it makes the idea of a
Battery backed cache redundant.

> Perhaps it's model specific, or your vendor configured it that way. Or
> you got a return that someone else monkeyed with. I'm not going to speak
> for Areca but it seems quite odd that Areca would ship them with the
> cache enabled. I've used many hundreds of RAID controllers over the
> years and without exception, every single one with a write cache had it
> disabled by default.

I guess I had a return model.  It's not really a big deal.


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