Thinking of using ZFS/FBSD for a backup system

CZUCZY Gergely phoemix at
Tue Jul 8 20:54:54 UTC 2008

On Tue, 08 Jul 2008 22:34:52 +0200
Kris Kennaway <kris at> wrote:
> > I've finetuned ZFS as much as I could, I've read every little tiny
> > bit of hint/information/whatever that was available and I couldn't
> > get rid of those kmem_size panics in -RELEASE and -STABLE.
> Well, it's still almost certainly because you aren't setting
> kmem_size high enough.  As you saw, that is the only thing I tuned
> (disabling prefetch is just for performance in my environment).
> If you can't set it high enough because you don't have enough RAM,
> that means your system does't have enough RAM to run ZFS, not that
> ZFS is unstable.
I've had a box with 2GB of memory for it, and around 5-6 filesystems.
I've set kmem_size as large as it was allowed, not a bit smaller.

Where's the guide showing how much memory should I have for a setup?
How can "enough memory" be determined for a setup, without having

> Kris



Gergely CZUCZY,
Harmless Digital
mailto: gergely.czuczy at

Legacy software is software that works.
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