[RFC] Remove NTFS kernel support

Csaba Henk csaba-ml at creo.hu
Tue Feb 12 19:26:00 UTC 2008

On Sat, Feb 09, 2008 at 08:59:47PM +0100, Dag-Erling Sm??rgrav wrote:
> Csaba Henk <csaba-ml at creo.hu> writes:
> > Userspace components are LGPL / GPL licensed, kernel components are
> > BSD licensed.
> Are you planning to have both the kernel part and the userland part
> committed to base?
> How much work would you guess it would take to reimplement the userland
> part under a BSD license?

Well, I just started to work on a from scratch FUSE daemon library.

The story is as follows: I wanted to put together a FUSE interface to
sysctls, and I started it from scratch (so that it shall be clean
licensing-wise, and for the fun of it). Then as things evolved, the
generic code was distilled out to a library I named "folly", while the
actual work on the sysctl fs has stalled. As a proof-of-concept I also
wrote an userspace nullfs using libfolly.

So I think: fuse4bsd (ie, the kld + the mount util) + libfolly + sysctl
fs could go to base under BSD license. It also might make sense to rebase
ntfs-3g atop of folly -- although it won't help ntfs-3g being GPL'd.

So for ntfs-3g aka fusefs-ntfs there is no choice just GPL unless the
authors decide to relincense it. (Rewriting ntfs-3g from scratch is not
an option, there is too much expertise and man hour in that code base to
be worth to waste time on it.) AFAIK libntfs is also GPL'd -- I don't
know if its developers have ever thought of relicensing it to LGPL,
I can imagine that they would be willing to speak about it.

The fuse library is LGPL-d (although license sensitive developers should
be aware of the fact that the skeletal/basic fs examples which ship with it
and are a good base for writing new fs-es are under GPL!).

Anyway, these are self contained bits, so I don't see it too much
problematic to put all the userspace stuff into base (YMMV, of

Regarding libfolly: if anyone is interested, I can publish a snapshot,
although the API is a moving target, and commenting/documenting it /
polishing the command line interface it offers is still on the TODO
list. (It's a small lib so its not that much work but now that I hit the
POC level, the priority is of fuse4bsd...)


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