xtaf-20070305 available

Rene Ladan r.c.ladan at gmail.com
Mon Mar 5 11:55:36 UTC 2007


I put a slightly improved version of the XTAF filesystem module online
at the usual place:


The changes are:
* Bugfixes/bughunting:
  - the root directory has 8 * (number of sectors per cluster) entries,
    not 256.  The xbox1 always had 256 entries in the root directory.
  - add a check for incorrect directory entries, complain about them.
  - add a message when the SF_IMMUTABLE flag is set on a file (this is
    a valid, but rare action.  Most times it is the result of a bug).
  - show the current file name in xtaf_getattr() in xtaf_vnops.c

* Style:
  - move most VOP operations to xtaf_vnops.c
  - use modern function headers instead of K&R ones (this was inherited
    from the msdosfs module).
  - merged bootsect.h into xtaf_vfsops.c, as it only contained one small
  - bde: add some parentheses around return statements.

Most bugs are still present.  I've also found a (new) bug where
xtaf_readdir (implementation of vop_readdir_t) is called twice on a
directory, which results in ls(1) showing the entries twice.

Checksums are attached.

To build /boot/kernel/xtaf.ko :

# fetch and bunzip2 the files
# cd /usr/src
# patch < kern-20070305.diff
# patch < glue-20070305.diff
# make kernel (or just modules/xtaf)

Have fun,
GPG fingerprint = E738 5471 D185 7013 0EE0  4FC8 3C1D 6F83 12E1 84F6

"It won't fit on the line."
		-- me, 2001

-------------- next part --------------
-rw-r--r--  1 rene  wheel    652 Mar  5 12:06 glue-20070305.diff.bz2
MD5 (glue-20070305.diff.bz2) = 8142b3b43d6c28882a31e051578be2cf
SHA256 (glue-20070305.diff.bz2) = 04592dd9baf0e48f0947e1bd5b1d935cc34bdb7965db1617ca8108d59acef93d

-rw-r--r--  1 rene  wheel  35329 Mar  5 12:06 kern-20070305.diff.bz2
MD5 (kern-20070305.diff.bz2) = 8b62e4051d4f56dffd56c4d60192cfac
SHA256 (kern-20070305.diff.bz2) = 9434403b9c216292a0ba2df34009102576c1c4a52e4cfd52b0fc8aaad90368d7

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