comments on newfs raw disk ? Safe ? (7 terabyte array)

Arone Silimantia aronesimi at
Fri Feb 9 23:31:44 UTC 2007

On Fri, 9 Feb 2007, Eric Anderson wrote:

> I have 5 10Tb file systems (and some 2Tb ones, but who cares about those
> tiny things? :)), and I can tell you that an empty huge file system is
> pretty easily fsck-able, but a full one will kill you.  It greatly
> depends on how many files (inodes) you have used on the file system.  If
> you have a massive amount of small files, you'll be eating up a ton of
> memory.  My 'rule of thumb' for my data (which averages to about
> 16k/file) is 1G of memory for each 1Tb  of disk space used.  So, on a
> 10Tb file system, if I ever want the fsck to complete, I need an AMD64
> box with *at least* 10G of memory, plus a lot of time.  A *lot* of time.
>   By 'a lot', I mean anywhere from a day, to several days.

So ... the time it takes to fsck is not a function of how many inodes are actually initialized from newfs, but how many you are _actually using_ ?

But the amount of memory the fsck takes is a function of how many inodes exist, regardless of how many you are actually using ?

Are those two interpretations correct ?

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