UFS2 Snapshots in 6.1-Beta4 - Confirmed Problems

Eugene genie at geniechka.ru
Thu Mar 23 20:34:53 UTC 2006

 Hi all!

While we're on the topic of snapshots, I recently posted this follow-up to 
the PR kern/66270 "[hang] dump causes machine freeze"

> I wonder what is the status of this PR?
>  I seem to have the same problem with 5.3-RELEASE.
>  Before this started, system worked nicely for more than a year and then 
> it
>  started to hang during dump (seemingly just after mksnap_ffs) first
>  intermittently and now reproducibly (might increase in data size be a
>  factor? though disk is only about 18% full).
>  Originally it hanged and console had complains about increasing
>  PMAP_SHPGPERPROC and maxproc.
>  After some talk in freebsd-fs, I adjusted these parameters and now it 
> just
>  hangs without complaining =((
>  Any suggestions?

In addition to this PR, I found a couple of similar threads in different 
lists but they all just have some initial talk and preliminary analysis, and 
then it just stops. Was that snapshot problem fixed or is it the same as we 
are talking now? I can't believe I am the only one in almost 2 years who is 
(trying to be) doing automated backups...
So, if it was fixed, when (which version)? If not, then when it might be 
and -- in the meantime -- is there any workaround for backups? (The system 
is the production server on the colocation so doing backups in single-user 
mode is not practical).

 Thank you in advance

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