NFS Problems

Eric Anderson anderson at
Tue Aug 8 11:24:35 UTC 2006

On 08/07/06 20:10, Joseph Maxwell wrote:
> Hope I have the right site here
> Hello,
> Indigo2 machine in network w/ FreeBSD, both configured for nfs server/client 
> functions, and "nfsd" daemon running on both.
> IRIX idaho 6.5 04101930 IP22
> FreeBSD presto 4.2-RELEASE FreeBSD 4.2-RELEASE #0: Mon Nov 20 13:02:55 GMT 
> 2000     jkh at  i386
> (Yes an old system inst. on an infrequently used critical and stable point 
> in our system. Not eager to perturb.)
> FreeBSD machine mounts IRIX disks OK, but Indigo2 does not mount FreeBSD 
> disks.
> Changed to manual approach
> Setup fstab:
> /dev/root / xfs rw,raw=/dev/rroot 0 0
> /dev/dsk/dks0d2s7 /disk_02/ xfs rw 0 0
> /swap/swap1 swap swap pri=2 0 0
> /vswap/vswap1 swap swap pri=5,vlength=409600 0 0
> /vswap/vswap2 swap swap pri=5,vlength=1024000 0 0
> presto:/usr /diskA-1 nfs soft,rw 0 0
> presto:/disk2 /diskA-2 nfs soft,rw 0 0
> Then attempted to mount presto disks
> mount -h presto -v
> mount: presto:/disk2 server not responding: Port mapper failure - Timed out
> mount: NFS version 3 mount failed, trying NFS version 2
> mount: retrying
>    /diskA-2
> mount: NFS version 3 mount failed, trying NFS version 2
> mount: NFS version 3 mount failed, trying NFS version 2
> mount: NFS version 3 mount failed, trying NFS version 2
> mount: NFS version 3 mount failed, trying NFS version 2
> Could someone identify problem & suggest corrective action?


>>From SGI machine
> rpcinfo -p presto
>    program vers proto   port
>     100000    2   tcp    111  portmapper
>     100000    2   udp    111  portmapper
>     100005    3   udp    997  mountd
>     100005    3   tcp   1021  mountd
>     100005    1   udp    997  mountd
>     100005    1   tcp   1021  mountd

I think the problem is that you are missing the nfs registrations (and 
possibly rstatd and nlockmgr too if you need them).    I think you can do:

nfsd -r

to re-register the entries in rpc.  You should check the process list on 
presto and see if nfsd is running, and also check for rstatd, and lockd.


Eric Anderson        Sr. Systems Administrator        Centaur Technology
Anything that works is better than anything that doesn't.

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