How a file is deleted in ufs2?

Eric Anderson anderson at
Mon Apr 10 17:56:04 UTC 2006

Diego Woitasen wrote:
> I want to know how a file is deleted in a ufs2 filesystem, specifically
> what happen with the information in the inode. The information is
> deleted to or the inode is marked as free but the information (uid, gid,
> blocks, times, etc) remains there?
> I read the chapter 8 of 'Design and implementation of FreeBSD" and "a
> Fast file system for Unix", but i can't see the answer.
> Reading the code is an interesting choice, but is the last resource :)

I'm 100% certain here, but looking at the code, I don't think much 
happens besides freeing the inode and clearing it for re-use.  The 
on-disk data remains.


Eric Anderson        Sr. Systems Administrator        Centaur Technology
Anything that works is better than anything that doesn't.

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