jail on nullfs and 5.1-RELEASE

Papp Tamas tompos at martos.bme.hu
Mon Dec 29 08:11:41 PST 2003


I created a full jail with nullfs. Everything is mounted read-only
with nullfs except /var, /dev, /tmp and /home . It would be an shell
server. When I did a find inside the jail in the directory /usr/sbin,
it was lockd up. 
The process can't see in the ps list from outside the jail. When I
try to connect to the jail's ssh daemon, it doesn't work, but with
jexec I can do anything, for example ps, or ls, but if I want to list
the files in the jail's /, /usr or /usr/sbin directory (common mount),
it locks up, and the ps show the process in the "D+" state.

root    10034  0.0  0.0  1136  476  p1  D+    4:48PM   0:00.00 jexec 8
/bin/ls /

Anyway the cron processess in the jail are too in D state:

root     9993  0.0  0.0  1304  440  ??  DLJ   4:45PM   0:00.00

Can somebody to help me, or say any positive future releated to the
problem? I'm very sad, because I would like to do this very much and I
can't :)

I'm sorry if the mail is a bit chaotic, but I can't see, where or what
is the problem (nullfs? jail? or something else? or me?:))) and my
english is very rude. I apologize.

Thank you very much,


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