Errors during probe cause inifinite loop in sbp

Justin T. Gibbs gibbs at
Mon May 26 19:57:56 PDT 2003

> Ok, the drive is returning a sense code of 'Invalid Field in CDB'.
> This means that it does support the INQUIRY command, but it doesn't
> like one of the fields that CAM is putting into it.  Without the full
> sense data, it's impossible to know which field it doesn't like.

We're asking for VPD information, more specifically, the device's serial
number.  CAM should be bailing out since the error action for such sense
data is SS_FATAL.  Failure to fetch the serial number is non-fatal and
the probe should continue.  Granted, I'm not very familiar with how
the firewire probe code works, but I'm assuming that it still relies
at least partially on the probe code in cam_xpt.c.


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