Status of partial compilation of Linux-amd64 emulation?

Martin Cracauer cracauer at
Mon Aug 1 21:11:57 UTC 2016


Is the Linux-amd64 emu in the kernel partially activate-able? I don't
need the actual API functionality. I need
device         mlxen # Mellanox ConnectX HCA Ethernet

which wants a bunch of Linux utilities functions normally provided by
the emulation layer.  I assume all this works on i386 but as far as I
can tell I have to pull in some part of the amd64 linuxulator by hand
to have this driver compile on amd64.  (Compilation of the linuxulator
doesn't work yet on -current, hence the question)

Any feedback on what the most straightforward way to go about this
would be? I am short of pulling the things I need into a new kernel

Martin Cracauer <cracauer at>

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