ports: emulators/virtualbox-ose --pagefusion

Volodymyr Kostyrko c.kworr at gmail.com
Wed Jul 13 11:03:59 UTC 2011

13.07.2011 13:07, Bernhard Froehlich wrote:
>> !!Assertion Failed!!
>> Expression: RT_SUCCESS_NP(rc)
>> Location  :
>> /tmp/ports/usr/ports/emulators/virtualbox-ose/work/VirtualBox-4.0.10_OSE/src/VBox/VMM/VMMR3/PGMSharedPage.cpp(207)
>> VBOXSTRICTRC pgmR3SharedModuleRegRendezvous(VM*, VMCPU*, void*)
>> VERR_PGM_PHYS_INVALID_PAGE_ID (-1637) - Trying to free a page with an
>> invalid Page ID.
>> Trace/BPT trap
> I just talked to the vbox developers and they told me this is a known
> problem that you should also see with other hosts but it's hard to
> reproduce.  Do you have multiple VMs running with page fusion enabled
> when the error occurs?

Yep, 4.
1. XPx32 PageFusion OFF.
2. XPx32 PageFusion ON.
3. 2003x32 PageFusion OFF.
4. 2003x32 PageFusion ON.

Those with PageFusion OFF are old production machines with pre-vbox4 
settings. Other two are test machines intended for replacement of legacy 

> Please send the VBox.log (should be in $HOME/VirtualBox VMs/<your
> vm>/logs/VBox.log) of your failed session for further debugging.

There's almost nothing there. I have published this one and a debug log 
at http://limbo.xim.bz/pagefusion/

If you need a `bt full` you're welcome, I just haven't enabled dumping 
core for those session but it's quite reproducible for me.

Sphinx of black quartz judge my vow.

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