Testing Luvalley with FreeBSD as dom0

Adam Vande More amvandemore at gmail.com
Mon Jan 10 08:15:33 UTC 2011

On Mon, Jan 10, 2011 at 1:17 AM, Ted Mittelstaedt <tedm at mittelstaedt.us>wrote:

> Someone just gave you bad data, Adam.

No that is incorrect.  I got my data from MS when I tried to check it out.
Our confusion I think is because we are talking about different products.  I
wasn't aware of the stand-alone free version of hyper-v server, thanks for
the pointer.  The Server 2008 Standard Edition version of Windows comes with
a license to run a single VM.

If you can follow the maze and find offical documentation of this, you've
got farther than me, but here's a third party link indicating the situation.


> It is a sure thing.  Seriously.  The emulated machine virtualization
> isn't really commercially that interesting.  Seriously!  Oracle
> makes plenty of money selling support and commercial versions of
> VirtualBox that have the extra go-fast storage code in them such
> as the one included with Oracle VDI.

Are you talking about the guest additions or whatever Oracle calls them
now?  That doesn't necessarily speed up the VM, it just allows things like
clock synchronization,  SMB shares, VRPD, page fusion, and USB passthrough.
As far as I know, while they are released under PUEL license you can't even
buy them so it's hard to see how Oracle is raking in the money there.  I see
there is a blurb on their site about contacting Oracle for enterprise
rollouts.  I think as soon as they figure out how they can bill they will.
At one point, Virtualbox was going to setup a "cloud" service that you could
roll out images too and I think that's now defuct so another lost revenue
stream.  That actually would have been really nice, I would have used that

> VirtualBox's main claim to fame is under FreeBSD it is stable.  I've had
> both Windows XP and FreeBSD guests running for months with no crash. That
> makes it greatly suitable for production work.

Agreed, it's been rock solid for me even under periods of heavy use.

Adam Vande More

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