kern/149168: [linux] [patch] Linux sendmsg / recvmsg / etc fixes for pulseaudio

John Wehle john at
Tue Feb 8 04:50:12 UTC 2011

The following reply was made to PR kern/149168; it has been noted by GNATS.

From: John Wehle <john at>
To: avg at
Cc: rdivacky at, bug-followup at
Subject: Re: kern/149168: [linux] [patch] Linux sendmsg / recvmsg / etc fixes for pulseaudio
Date: Tue, 8 Feb 2011 00:28:29 -0500 (EST)

 >  1. What is a reason for "msg_controllen skipped" ?  Is this a proper 
 > solution or some hacking remnants?
 It's in the spirit of /* msg_flags skipped */.
 Since the BSD and LINUX control messages are potentially different
 sizes (e.g. the cred structure used by SCM_CREDS is different between
 the two operating system) you can't just copy msg_controllen.
 linux_recvmsg fills in the proper value after it has parse / converted
 the control messages.
 For consistency it would probably be nice if this was also reflected
 in linux_to_bsd_msghdr / linux_sendmsg.  I'm happy to address this
 issue, though it existed prior to my patch so I don't know if you
 want me to just bundle the necessary changes into an updated version
 of my patch for kern/149168 or if you want it addressed as in separate
 > 2. amd64 counterparts of changes in i386 arch code are missing.  Those 
 > should be trivial to add.
 Yep ... the original patch probably should have had a comment to the effect:
   a) The amd64 counterparts of the changes in the i386 arch code are not
      supplied since I don't have a way of testing amd64 changes and I
      try to avoid supplying untested code.
   b) The changes should be trivial to implement by someone who has an
      amd64 environment.
 -- John
 |   Feith Systems  |   Voice: 1-215-646-8000  |  Email: john at  |
 |    John Wehle    |     Fax: 1-215-540-5495  |                         |

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