Using Linux Nero port in FreeBSD 6.

Alexander Leidinger Alexander at
Sun May 4 07:15:51 UTC 2008

Quoting Frank Mayhar <frank at> (Sat, 03 May 2008 16:11:36 -0700):

> I've been trying to make this work and it never can seem to find the
> device.  It's a DVD writer on /dev/cd0 (connected via USB so it's using
> the SCSI-like interface) and /dev/pass0.  I've tried every combination I
> can think of of pointing /compat/linux/dev/<something> to
> either /dev/cd0 or /dev/pass0, to no avail.  The best I've received is
> the ktrace showing it getting ENOTTY (inappropriate ioctl for device).
> Hints?  Suggestions?

Several possibilities:

The SCSI part has a linux emulation part (I don't remember the name
ATM), give it a try and report back if it works.

In the linux emulation exists a device wrapper feature. You can add the
device there (in the source) which nero tries to open, and maybe add
some more code which maps linux ioctls to FreeBSD ones (or at least
identify which devices it tries to open and which ioctls it wants to
do, maybe someone here on the list is willing to help out).


Ferengi Rule of Acquisition #139:
	 Wives serve, brothers inherit.
		-- ST:DS9, "Necessary Evil"  Alexander @ PGP ID = B0063FE7     netchild @  : PGP ID = 72077137

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