emulators/qemu: crashes with "Bad system call: 12"

martinko gamato at users.sf.net
Sat Nov 11 15:28:40 PST 2006


I'm trying to install Win2K but QEMU is constantly crashing with:

Bad system call: 12

The command line I'm using is a variation of the following:

qemu -cdrom /opt/win2k.iso -hda /opt/c.img -m 256 -boot d -win2k-hack

First I tried to boot directly from CD.  Also I used QCOW disk image but
QEMU crashed at a very early stage (before Win2K installer kicked in).
Now I'm using RAW disk image and QEMU actually runs up to after initial
Win2K installer reads device configuration files.

What might be wrong and how to fix it please ?



PS: QEMU is freshly installed from ports on FreeBSD 6.2-PRERELEASE.

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