VMWare3 on FreeBSD 4.11 and 5.4

Rodney W. Grimes freebsd at gndrsh.dnsmgr.net
Thu Jan 26 10:54:17 PST 2006

> > 
> > Do you have any ethernet devices configured?  or cdrom devices?
> Yes. I am using a bge0 bridged to the vmnet device. I have a 
> cdrom configured, but its never present (it's on a dell laptop).

Do you get a vmware Panic during shutdown?

> > I think the snag come up when your using these.
> > The code does kinda work, but you well get panics on shutdown.
> I don't get these.
> I once did patch some vmware binaries, but i think that was for
> vmware2 (the vmware-any-any-update thing).
the vmware-any-any-update is a vmware3 thing if I recall correctly.

> My binary is:
> MD5 (/usr/local/lib/vmware/bin/vmware) = 548b596d4db2604dce99776e9456a663

Interesting, as it should be in /usr/X11R6/bin/vmware/bin/vmware
if this was installed after the linux_Base-8 update, and an unpatched
vmware file on my 4.9 system is:

MD5 (/usr/local/lib/vmware/bin/vmware) = b43d5cf153d5928cce65a9c293fafc39
and confirmed from an untarred dist files:
MD5 (/usr/ports/distfiles/vmware-distrib/bin/vmware) = b43d5cf153d5928cce65a9c293fafc39

> > Also the configure wizard is broken due to df -T breakage
> > caused by the new linuxlator
> Uh..I do have a working config and I just choose it when powering up
> vmware.

Im building configs all the time... very handy to have a working wizard.

Rod Grimes                                                 freebsd at freebsd.org

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