Bugs in the current linux-bits

Alexander Leidinger Alexander at Leidinger.net
Wed Jan 25 10:27:19 PST 2006

On Wed, 25 Jan 2006 18:49:03 +0100
Jean-Yves Lefort <jylefort at FreeBSD.org> wrote:

> > 2. the linux-rpm mk file doesn't list emulation@ as the maintainer.
> Fixed.


> > 3. all linux ports which install a library into LINUXBASE need to run the
> > linux ldconfig program (either by hand, or by using "INSTALL_SHLIB=YES"
> > (preferred, since it adds corresponding plist entries).
> > 
> > I try to get time in the evening to submit a PR to portmgr regarding 1 and it
> > would be nice if you (Jean-Yves) could fix 2. Everyone else is free to submit
> > patches for 3, but please add a note to not commit this, until bsd.port.mk is
> > fixed (in case a committer who hasn't read this wants to commit the patch).
> I guess you mean a note to not add INSTALL_SHLIBS to Linux ports yet?
> But where should the note be added?

No, I meant the submitter of a PR who provides a patch which uses
INSTALL_SHLIBS should add a note in the PR, that this PR depends upon a
fix for INSTALL_SHLIBS after the 20060121 change to bsd.port.mk.


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http://www.Leidinger.net                       Alexander @ Leidinger.net
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