Wiping out /compat/linux/* when installing linux_base

Alexander Leidinger Alexander at Leidinger.net
Thu Jan 5 13:46:19 PST 2006

On Thu, 5 Jan 2006 13:43:07 -0500
Martin Cracauer <cracauer at cons.org> wrote:

> I have been bitten by this several times now:
> when you reinstall the linux_base port, it just wipes out all of
> /compat/linux.  I usually have stuff in /compat/linux/usr/local in
> there. 
> Note that removing linux_base does not do that, installing linux_base
> again does.

Are you really sure?

I've portupgraded the default linux base port (emulators/linux_base-8)
several times (at least for every portrevision bump) and I didn't
reinstall for example linux-gtk2, but acroread7 still works. So I'm a
little bit puzzled how this can happen.


Ok, I've looked into this, now I understand. It removes
$LINUXBASE/usr/local completely, not $LINUXBASE.

Remove the usr/local entry from the REMOVE_DIRS variable, try a
completely fresh install of linux_base (empty $LINUXBASE), and have a
look if there are some file in $LINUXBASE/usr/local. If there's no
file, go ahead and change the Makefile. I assume you didn't encountered
bad behavior with linux programs while having $LINUXBASE/usr/local.
Acroread7 is still able to dig into the FreeBSD /usr/local then, right?


                           Reboot America.
http://www.Leidinger.net                       Alexander @ Leidinger.net
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