linuxolator: proc/filesystems implementation

Scot Hetzel swhetzel at
Fri Dec 15 04:41:29 PST 2006

On 12/15/06, Alexander Leidinger <Alexander at> wrote:
> Like Roman I'm eager to know which software uses this. Unlike him I
> don't think (yet) it doesn't make sense without a translation table.
> If the list is just presented to  an user we don't need a translation.
> If it is used to do something we may need a translation (but only for
> those FS which have a compatible structure, like cd9660 or extfs, but
> not for ufs, which is UFS2 for us and "I don't know but possibly UFS1"
> on Linux).

The only thing that I'm aware of that uses it is 3 scripts in the LTP:

# grep -l "proc/filesystem" */*

currently we don't run the tests that use these scripts.  The first
two scripts check if the autofs is available, while the last one
checks if the requested filesystem is available.

NOTE: the scripts do more than this check for the filesystem.

It does uses a translation table, but I haven't been able to verify
all of the filesystem names against the names used on a linux system
(i.e cd9660 -> iso9660(?)).


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