hint.uart.1 in device.hints causes freeze at boot

Lundberg, Johannes johannes at brilliantservice.co.jp
Sat Feb 27 13:54:22 UTC 2016

>though I've no clue why or how that should cause a boot failure?

Verbose logging don't give any clues either.. It just stops.

On Friday, February 26, 2016, Ian Smith <smithi at nimnet.asn.au> wrote:

> On Fri, 26 Feb 2016 23:08:37 -0700, Warner Losh wrote:
> (freebsd-current dropped; it'd only bounce)
>  > Better still would be to split the current GENERIC.hints into two
>  > bits. One that was strictly for legacy (!ACPI and !PNPBIOS)
>  > situations, and one that we always load. There look to be at least a
>  > couple of hints that are universally relevant still. I might have a
>  > 200MHz pentium I can test this with...
> Still need a few old dogs in the kennel to taste test new dogfood ..
>  > As near as I can tell, only the following are relevant:
>  > hint.fd.0.at="fdc0"
>  > hint.fd.0.drive="0"
>  > hint.fd.1.at="fdc0"
>  > hint.fd.1.drive="1"
>  > hint.acpi_throttle.0.disabled="1"
>  > hint.p4tcc.0.disabled="1"
>  >
>  > and maybe
>  >
>  > hint.apm.0.disabled="1"
>  >
>  > The floppy is for systems that have it, but won't add a floppy
>  > controller. APM hasn't been relevant since ~100MHz Pentium.
> I still admin a 300MHz Celeron laptop (Compaq Armada 1500c, '98) happily
> using APM - ACPI powered off on removing AC power - but still running on
> 5.5-STABLE, with a recent uptime >1200 days .. don't tell anyone :)
>  > The last two I'm unsure of.
> Don't mess with those; it took Kevin Oberman years to get them there ..
> acpi_throttle and p4tcc are generally evil; they don't save ANY power on
> top of est ono and hugely increase the number of steps (so, time) powerd
> has to churn through to adjust CPU speed to load, with minimum speeds as
> low as a sluggish 75-100MHz on some, so now best defaulting to disabled.
> Certainly hard to find anything with a uart.1 in the last ~10 years,
> though I've no clue why or how that should cause a boot failure?
> cheers, Ian

Name:     Johannes Lundberg
Position: Mirama project leader
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