FreeBSD on ASUS, TP-Link and D-Link routers?

Zeus Panchenko zeus at
Tue Jul 2 05:52:17 UTC 2013

Luiz Otavio O Souza < at> wrote:
> I've successfully used TP-Link MR3220 and MR3420 this way.

thanks for the point

what I in general want from the issue is more or less "common"
necessities of small (2-10 workplaces) office

and it includes:

- vi
- pf
- hostapd
- OpenVPN
- bsnmpd
- network utilities
  netstat, ifconfig, route, tcpdump
- some optional tools
-- mtr
-- nrpe
-- sendmail
-- tmux/screen
- anything I missed :)

so, what are the chances to build image with these?

Zeus V. Panchenko				jid:zeus at
IT Dpt., I.B.S. LLC					  GMT+2 (EET)

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