Updated switch/glue patch?

Stefan Bethke stb at lassitu.de
Wed Dec 21 15:13:49 UTC 2011

Am 20.12.2011 um 16:25 schrieb Adrian Chadd:

>> I'm of two minds whether reusing the miibus code really is a good idea.  The problem I have with it is mainly that it assumes that there is a struct ifnet that the miibus is attached to, and that that ifnet has exactly one running phy.  So in my current implementation, I've simply created one ifnet for each of the five ports that have PHYs on them.
> I personally think your current method of doing it is fine. The switch
> driver is small, it's reusing the media handling infrastructure; it
> doesn't look like you'll have to do much to write a custom PHY to
> replace ukphy.

I've replaced the generic PHY status poll with a custom one that uses the switch registers instead of the PHYs.  I've cloned your git and have started adding my changes to it (branch also named work/ath):

I tried a merge request, but gitorious didn't like it (at least at the top level).


Stefan Bethke <stb at lassitu.de>   Fon +49 151 14070811

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