Updated switch/glue patch?

Stefan Bethke stb at lassitu.de
Thu Dec 15 23:49:41 UTC 2011

So I could call the generic if media ioctl.  I'll update the patch at around 8 UTC. 

Stefan Bethke <stb at lassitu.de>   Fon +49 151 14070811

Am 16.12.2011 um 00:20 schrieb Adrian Chadd <adrian at freebsd.org>:

> On 15 December 2011 15:04, Stefan Bethke <stb at lassitu.de> wrote:
>> Will do tomorrow morning.
> I can't seem to build this under -HEAD. The embedded ifreq structs in
> etherswitch.h are causing an issue when compiling etherswitch_if.c
> (from etherswitch_if.m.) net/if.h isn't included, and if I include
> that, all kinds of other crap spews out.
> I can't find any other examples of the ifreq / ifmediareq structs
> being embedded inside the object state. Why'd you do that? :)
> Adrian

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