system locks up with vr driver on alix board

Ask Bjørn Hansen ask at
Tue Aug 16 18:07:53 UTC 2011

Hi everyone,

Over the weekend I upgraded a couple of NanoBSD based systems (on PC Engines Alix boards) from 7.4 to 8.2.  The box is a small firewall and have been running stable for several years.

Since then the busy systems consistently lock up.    I had a 'top -bS -s1' running and it stopped a couple hours before the system locked up after showing basically 100% interrupts for a few minutes.  (Divided ~50/50 between the two "vr" interfaces that gets most of the traffic).  Another terminal tailing /var/log/messages kept running for another hour or so. 

An hour or two after the log stopped showing; the system stopped routing packets, but frustratingly kept sending CARP messages out so the secondary firewall didn't pick up the IP addresses to take over.

Any ideas?

 - ask

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