TinyBSD article for the doc/ tree [was: Re: tinybsd qemu small howto]

Giorgos Keramidas keramida at freebsd.org
Mon Mar 10 01:29:56 UTC 2008

On 2008-03-08 17:56, Jean Milanez Melo <jmelo at freebsdbrasil.com.br> wrote:
>Giorgos Keramidas wrote:
>> [about]
>> http://martenvijn.nl/trac/wiki/TinyBSD
>> That's ok.  If you ever feel like writing an article-like thing
>> about ``Building tiny BSD images'', you are most welcome.  Reading
>> the current Wiki page, I see that you definitely `have it', i.e. you
>> don't have any particular problems in writing up clear,
>> understandable, well-organized documentation :)
> Hello,
> I already updated the tinybsd URL with the new features. Maybe it
> could be a good point to start.

That looks good, indeed!

> There are anyone avaliable to sgml it?

That would be me.

> The URL is:
> http://www.tinybsd.org/tinybsd/Documentation

An SGML article, with most of the text being just an adaptation of the
tinybsd/Documentation wiki page is now online at:


A preformatted version of the article is available in the same directory.
You can read it at:


Can you please review the article?  It would be interesting to know:

  - If there are technical errors in what I wrote.  My first TinyBSD
    build is running as I'm typing this, so I don't really count as
    an experienced TinyBSD user.

  - If there is something else you would like me to add.

  - If there are parts you don't like about the text, sections that
    we should rewrite, fix, and so on.

There are also a few parts which I haven't completely converted yet, and
some places where I have questions about MFSROOT images and config file
changes.  I'll experiment a bit with the TinyBSD image I'm building now,
but if you can help me fill in the last few sections, it would be nice :)

You can see how I'm considering to organize the remaining sections by
reading the SGML comments in the `article.sgml' file.

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