eclipse kepler (was: bug / missing sys call?)

George Neville-Neil gnn at
Mon Sep 16 15:45:07 UTC 2013

On Sep 16, 2013, at 11:32 , Jimmy Kelley <ljboiler at> wrote:

> Hey George,
> It might interest you to know that I've actually got Eclipse Kepler (4.3) built and
> running on 10-current i386.  I'd like to make just one more change to what I've got
> working so that it doesn't build the Linux x86 version (I had left that in for sanity
> checking), then the fun part is going to be putting together a FreeBSD port to do
> what I had manually done.
> I'd be happy to work with you if you'd like.

Yes, please.  Do you have patches?  I was beginning to work my way through understanding
how we build eclipse-devel but if you have something that works it may be easier to update
the port with what you have already.


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