Upgrading java/eclipse and java/eclipse-devel

George Neville-Neil gnn at freebsd.org
Thu Jul 25 15:00:34 UTC 2013

On Jul 25, 2013, at 3:59 , Thomas Gellekum <Thomas.Gellekum at gmx.de> wrote:

> On 07/25/13 07:28, kron wrote:
>> On 2013/07/24 23:03, George Neville-Neil wrote:
>>> Howdy,
>>> Eclipse 4.2, which we have in java/eclipse-devel has been out for
>>> over a year and Eclipse 4.3 is "nearly done" as far as anyone can
>>> tell.
> It's been out for a few weeks now.
>>> I'd like to propose that we copy the devel port to the normal
>>> port, and then do two things. First I'd like to get Eclipse 4.2
>>> working with openjdk7.  RIght now the build fails but that was just a
>>> naive attempt to build the port with the new jdk.
> AFAIR, the problem lies with some of the 3rd party libraries (in
> ECLIPSE_*_BUNDLES) that were pre-built with a 1.4 or 1.5 JDK and miss
> necessary type info for some of the APIs that use generics. We could
> probably add ports for all those libraries and add appropriate OSGi
> headers to their manifests. This would also allow us to get rid of some
> of the patches to the manifest files which are a PITA to maintain. This
> could happen one library at a time, so it wouldn't have to be a
> disruptive process. IIRC, the problematic libraries are the sat4j
> bundles, so we'd start with those.
> Handling the versions requires some care, though, as different versions
> of Eclipse depend on different versions of those bundles.
> There might be an alternative: Kepler is supposed to be built with JDK7,
> so check for updates in those bundles. This sounds cheaper in the short
> term, but maintaing those patches is a major cost in the longer run.
>>> Secondly we can
>>> mark eclipse-devel broken until we can start getting 4.3 running in
>>> that port.
> Kepler (4.3) looks like it is going to be a major effort. I've only
> briefly checked the linuxtools.eclipse-build repo, but it seems they've
> abandoned the Ant based build and switched completely to Tycho, which is
> a Maven plugin. In theory, this should make things easier for us, too,
> but we don't have Tycho yet.
> Last time I looked at that, you needed a P2 repository from an Eclipse
> installation to build it, so bootstrapping is going to be an issue. I
> stopped digging further when I realized how much work it would be to
> provide a clean environment for building. Maven likes to load oodles of
> stuff from outside. Keeping that under control is not going to be much fun.

OK, well I am a newbie when it comes to building this stuff.  I am a new user of Eclipse
and I want ours to be top notch, hence my wanting to help with this.  Right now I'm
just trying to get the current 4.2 to build with 1.7 jdk.  The openjdk7 stuff seems OK
so at least that's working as a base to work on.

If you have notes on what you've done before, or anyone else has such notes,
that would be most welcome.

I guess we could coordinate through the FreeBSD Wiki if folks all have logins.
Does that make sense?


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