Eclipse plugins ports?

Stephane E. Potvin sepotvin at
Mon Jan 26 14:11:12 PST 2009

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Rick C. Petty wrote:
> On Sat, Jan 24, 2009 at 09:19:28PM -0800, Greg Lewis wrote:
>> I'm looking into a problem with one of the Eclipse plugin ports and I have
>> to say that I wonder why we bother having plugin ports.  Eclipse has good
>> built in plugin management tools, so the only reason I can see for having
>> a port for one is if there is some code that needs changes (and the only
>> one of those I see is eclipse-cdt).
>> What are peoples thoughts on this?  Who feels they get a lot of value out
>> of having FreeBSD ports for those plugins that we do have and why?
> IIRC, in the original discussion we wanted to get rid of all eclipse
> plugins as ports and use Eclipse's plugin management system.  However there
> were some patches against some of these plugins.  My suggestion was to push
> those patches upstream and remove the plugins from our ports.
> As to the removal of old eclipse versions, I think it would be nice if we
> could keep legacy ones around.  For example, I use 3.2.1 because of a
> missing feature in later versions.  perhaps eclipse-32 for this port and
> similar names for the others.  The most recent released eclipse should
> always be eclipse and the snapshots should be eclipse-devel.  No one has
> put the effort into making all these changes.
> Also I think eclipse-* should be in devel instead of java (as its primary
> location; it can remain in java as an auxiliary category), but that's
> another story.

I originally planned to have the eclipse 3.4 port named eclipse-ganymede
and have eclipse 3.3 renamed eclipse-europa. But Greg preferred to have
only one version of eclipse at any given time. This way it's easier for
the users as they know that by installing eclipse they get the latest
one (instead of having to chose between eclipse-europa,
eclipse-ganymede, eclipse-gelileo, eclipse-savor-of-the-day). I admit
that eclipse is currently lagging behind and that eclipse-devel should
already have been switched as the main eclipse port and I accept full
responsibility for that. I've been bogged down with other issues and
have not had the time to convert/test all the plugins to the new p2
framework so they integrate correctly with Ganymede.

Greg's proposition to remove the plugins will greatly facilitate my work
and enable me to concentrate on finishing the CDT port and switching
eclipse-devel to Galileo.


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