dtrace noob: How is it used?

Beeblebrox zaphod at berentweb.com
Sat May 20 09:15:48 UTC 2017

Hello, simple noob question.

Trying to use dtrace on my drm-next kernel that leaks memory to the
extent that all swap space gets filled.
easy enogh: kldload dtraceall

But which parameters and exactly how am I supposed to capture
afterwards? I assume most useful info would be a) memory leaks per
minute and b) source of leak. Wiki page was not much help for
understanding usage: https://wiki.freebsd.org/DTrace/One-Liners

* /usr/share/dtrace has scirpts, are those sufficient for the problem
or should I add sysutils/DTraceToolkit?
* Which script(s) would provide adequate info for this problem and how
could I log a per minute (or perhaps per event) output from the probes?

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