What tty changes - question on porting ltmdm and hcfmdm to FreeBSD 8

Gary Jennejohn gljennjohn at googlemail.com
Sat Apr 24 08:50:20 UTC 2010

On Fri, 23 Apr 2010 16:27:12 -0700
Ted Mittelstaedt <tedm at mittelstaedt.us> wrote:

>   Setting aside the question of why do we break software that a lot of 
> people use
> (these chips are in use on a lot of laptops) is there a document 
> somewhere that explains
> what changes need to be made in code for this new tty setup?  Or, is 
> there a set
> of magic include files or a "conversion shim" library that will allow 
> these kinds
> of programs to build without much work?
>   Or is porting these drivers just so non-trivial that the only way is 
> to just delve into
> the system manuals and delve into the driver code and try to figure out 
> what is
> going on in each?  If that's the case that's probably beyond my ability 
> but I'd
> be happy to serve as a testbed.

The guy to ask about this would be Ed Schouten (ed@). AFAICR he did the new
TTY stuff.  I don't know whether he reads these lists.

AFAIK there is no easy way to fix this and there are no backwards compati-
bilty shims or magic header files.

The fundamental problem with ltmdm is that it's a KLD and has to grovel
around in the guts of the kernel.  That makes fixing it decidely non-

Gary Jennejohn

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