Question for Installing Java Apache Binaries Using pkg

Oscar Bastidas obastida at
Sun Feb 17 09:54:21 UTC 2019


I would like to install the external Java library known as 'HttpClient' on
my Android tablet so that I can use it in my Java code (I use the Linux
emulator known as Termux and the ecj compiler available for it - I am
trying to do *all* of my coding on my Android tablet without touching a
'real' computer - so far it's been working).  On the Apache website (, the binaries for 'HttpClient' are
available for download (I was specifically recommended HttpClient 5.0 for
my endeavors by Apache personnel), but this is where I am stuck (they also
have 'source' files available in .tar.gz and .zip formats too, just like
the binaries).

Would you please tell me how I should proceed with using the available
binary download along with Linux's 'pkg' command?  I imagine I'll need to
download the binary for starters, but where does it go (I have a hunch
where it *might* go in the Termux world, but not sure, but I don't mind
trying it for starters)?  How does 'pkg' know where binaries are sitting to
open them up?  Once it's in the right location, wherever that may be, can I
just execute the 'pkg install BINARY_NAME dx' command?  Should I
convert/compile the binaries to 'dex' first?

I should note that using the above paradigm for standard Termux packages
necessitates having the 'dx' at the end of the pkg installation command
(because Android's virtual machine is dalvik which I think only processes
'dex').  Given that this is the case, should I use the the 'source' instead
of the binary and compile everything in it using Java to obtain 'dex'
files, then stick those results into the correct location in order to use

Thanks for any insight, direction or guidance you can provide me with and
please do excuse me if my questions are naive, but I am kind of new at this
field and trying to teach myself as I go along.


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