fop not installed as a dependency of the docproj package

Pau Amma pauamma at
Sat Dec 28 22:47:28 UTC 2019

While trying to duplicate the PDF output error reported in (using "make FORMATS=pdf" in 
~/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook), I got the following error 
/usr/bin/env FOP_OPTS="-Xss1024k -Xmx1431552k" /usr/local/bin/fop -c 
/usr/home/pauamma/doc/share/misc/fop.xconf -pdf book.pdf
env: /usr/local/bin/fop: No such file or directory
*** Error code 127

make: stopped in /usr/home/pauamma/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook

This is apparently because that package was built with "FOP            : 
off", per "pkg info docproj". If that's deliberate, perhaps a note 
should be added to, 
which currently says to:

# pkg install docproj subversion

and doesn't mention installing fop as well to generate .pdf files.

Opinions? Should the FOP build option be turned on by default in 
docproj, or a note added instead to install fop as well if PDF output is 
desired? (Or am I missing something obvious?)

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