Correction for nanobsd documentation

Daniel Bielefeldt daniel at
Wed Aug 31 10:37:14 UTC 2016

I've been reading the nanobsd documentation, and after my attempt to 
build an image, I wasn't sure where to find the final image.

In the document under 2.2 there is a guide that describes the procedure 
step by step. In the 3. step is shows that the complete image is located 
in /usr/obj/
Perhaps that the case when you build images for other than embedded 
platforms. When I finally found the correct path is was /usr/embedded 
instead of /usr/obj.

It was not hard to find the correct path, as it was in the output from, but maybe the documentation should make an exception in the 
step by step guide, by saying something about where to find the final image.

Best Regards,
Daniel Bielefeldt

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