Feature Article on The FreeBSD Project & Community

Alexandra Leslie alexandra at hostingadvice.com
Thu Apr 14 18:38:48 UTC 2016


We're writing a Feature Article on FreeBSD and The Community Behind It —
and I'm hoping to arrange a quick call with a few team members for the
piece. Specifically, we'd like to cover the project's evolution, a day in
the life of the folks actively working on the source tree, and the balance
of delivering high-level features for low cost to compete with UNIX-type

HostingAdvice.com content is unique in that it's written both by and for
developers. We have a highly technical audience and focus on covering the
technologies and companies that directly relate to fellow devs and site
managers, and we enjoy doing so by hearing from the teams behind that
innovation — so the FreeBSD Project is the ideal fit for The Hosting Blog.

Could we hop on a quick call with a recommended team member or two in the
coming weeks to discuss the article?


*Alexandra Leslie*
Tech Vertical Manager

15 SE 1st Ave, 2nd Floor
Gainesville, FL 32601

Call: 888-217-5962 ex. 809
Visit: www.hostingadvice.com
Follow: @DigiAli123 <https://twitter.com/DigiAli123>

LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/alexandrasleslie


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