RFC: Profiling and merging for the print edition

Gabor Kovesdan gabor at FreeBSD.org
Thu Jun 20 18:29:53 UTC 2013

Em 20-06-2013 19:03, Warren Block escreveu:
> There is a complication.  Links to sections which have been eliminated 
> by profiling will break, so those would also need profiling.  I don't 
> know how big an issue that will be, but suspect it will not be very much. 
Two proposed solutions:
1, The reference is often the last sentence of a paragraph, i.e. "For 
further informations on foo, please refere to bar." This can be just put 
into a profiled phrase.
2, Or if the reference has a longer explanatory text, it can have its 
own para with a profiling attribute.


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