print edition (was Re: removing 'changes' section from the online edition)

Gabor Kovesdan gabor at
Sun Jun 2 14:42:59 UTC 2013

Em 02-06-2013 15:56, Warren Block escreveu:
>> There's an XSLT stylesheet provided by DocBook that preprocesses the 
>> markup and only leaves in the corresponding content. This is not 
>> enabled by default, only if you set it up with a knob in the Makefile 
>> of the actual document.
> I'd like to try an actual test on the Handbook.  Is that feasible with 
> what we have currently?  What specific changes need to be made to the 
> Makefiles? 
You have to mark up something with edition="print", then set this either 
in Makefile or at the command line when calling make all:
PROFILING+= --param profile.attribute "'edition'" --param profile.value 
You have to watch out that the DocBook sources are valid both with and 
without the profiled element. For example, you cannot have two titles 
for the section with different edition values since only one title is 
allowed. In this case, you have to use the phrase element in the title.

Further reading:


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