Another CSS suggestion: pre-wrap

Glen Barber gjb at
Sun Jul 28 20:23:04 UTC 2013

On Sun, Jul 28, 2013 at 10:17:50PM +0200, Gabor Kovesdan wrote:
> I believe it is possible to make them work together. But using these
> extensions requires using Saxon as the XSLT processor, which is
> Java-based and slower than xsltproc. Even if we end up using Java
> for PDF rendering, it would be better to keep the XHTML build fast
> and Java-free so that committers can easily test their work.

Yes, please, let's keep it Java-free...

IMHO, it is bad enough some of use require use of Java for basic web
browsing.  Adding that to a our doc build is a big red bug.


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