Another CSS suggestion: pre-wrap

Warren Block wblock at
Sun Jul 28 19:17:22 UTC 2013

On Sun, 28 Jul 2013, Gabor Kovesdan wrote:

> On 2013.07.28. 19:45, Gabor Kovesdan wrote:
>> On 2013.07.28. 19:00, Warren Block wrote:
>>> Long lines in screen and programlisting elements run off the right side of 
>>> the screen with the current CSS.
>>> It would be great to have them wrap and include a visible a line wrap 
>>> indicator, but that may not be possible, or may require Javascript.
>>> Better than nothing is to have them at least have forced wrapping based on 
>>> screen width.  That can be done with changes in div.screen and 
>>> div.programlisting:
>>> -    white-space: pre;
>>> +    white-space: pre-wrap;
>>> This seems to work well, other than there being no visible marker where a 
>>> line is wrapped due to screen width.
>>> Is there a better way to accomplish this? 
>> This seems to work:
>> The wrapping of programlisting content into span elements can be done in 
>> XSLT. 
> This seems to does the XSLT-part, although it may be done in a better way 
> since it breaks some DocBook features that we don't use:

Nice!  Which DocBook features would be compromised?  Are there any other 
reasons not to start using this now?

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