svn commit: r42201 - head/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/fdp-primer/docbook-markup

Benjamin Kaduk kaduk at MIT.EDU
Wed Jul 10 01:05:34 UTC 2013

[moving to the -doc list for discussion]

On Tue, 9 Jul 2013, Warren Block wrote:

> On Tue, 9 Jul 2013, Gabor Kovesdan wrote:
>> Em 09-07-2013 21:13, Benjamin Kaduk escreveu:
>>>>  Remove a confusing paragraph whose net contribution is negative.  Remove
>>>>  some   from "Ports Collection", it's unnecessary. Make one example
>>> Was this discussed anywhere?  I am seeing a pretty long precedent for the 
>>> non-breaking space. 
>> Indeed it wasn't discussed but I think that these non-breaking spaces 
>> should be reconsidered.
> I had added the   to the Ports Collection in the word list very 
> recently, then saw that it really made no sense to force those two words to 
> be on the same line.
>> Typography rules and conventions are language-dependent. For example, in 
>> Hungarian it is not nice to end a line with a sentence-starting 
>> single-letter article. Afaik, English does not have such rules, except 
>> widows and orphans, which are more concerned with aesthetics. It is 
>> reasonable to avoid a line break between FreeBSD and 9.X or similar cases 
>> but probably not for such long terms as Ports Collection. Actually, it may 
>> just hit back because it may make justified paragraphs very ugly in our 
>> print formats.
> Exactly.

I have done my share of fitting relatively large font text into a small 
space and trying to get the wrapping to look nice; with a nbsp there will 
almost certainly be some font size+page width combinations that look bad.

We should probably discuss and decide one way or the other and actually 
put it in the word list, so we remember for next time.  I actually don't 
have strong feelings either way.

I went back through the history of this file, and at least one instance 
was added in r33364 by pgj (cc'd), with review by gabor@, even!  That was 
back in Dec 2008, so changing our minds now would not be terrible, if we 
want to.

Does anyone want to argue for keeping the nbsp?


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