RFC: Dealing with version-specific docs

Mehmet Erol Sanliturk m.e.sanliturk at gmail.com
Mon Jan 28 12:15:33 UTC 2013

On Mon, Jan 28, 2013 at 3:11 AM, Gabor Kovesdan <gabor at freebsd.org> wrote:

> Hi,
> as you may know, the printed edition of FreeBSD Handbook is being worked.
> In our current Handbook version, we have version-specific information for
> different major releases, while the printed edition shall concentrate on
> 9.X. We cannot just drop the parts that detail older releases since they
> haven't yet reached EOL and there are people out there still using these.
> So we have to deal somehow with this situation. Fortunately, DocBook
> provides a mechanism, called profiling, which we could use. It would also
> be beneficial for later cleanup work since finding outdated information
> that has to do with unsupported releases always requires big effort. I've
> made a draft about how it could be done in a practical way:
> https://wiki.freebsd.org/**VersionSpecificDocs<https://wiki.freebsd.org/VersionSpecificDocs>
> Please read it and if you have doubts, concerns or better suggestions,
> please share them.
> Thanks in advance,
> Gabor
> ______________________________**_________________
Some years ago , I have suggested that the Handbook be made specific to
versions : When a version is branched , it should also contain its own
Handbook .

The advantages of this structure is that the users will be able to
concentrate only on version specific Handbook , and information about other
versions will not have a confusing effect .

The developers will be able to make modifications to Handbook just related
to version under working . During this , there will not be any concern
about breaking any information related to other versions .

The users will be able to ask questions and/or make suggestions to improve
the Handbook . With multiple versions contained Handbook , this is very
difficult because it requires knowledge about other versions also .
Especially this is a very serious problem for the new comers : These
persons are starting from a version , mainly current latest release , but
Handbook is also covering the older releases which they do not know .

To cover multiple releases , it is necessary to introduce many IF sentences
. With respect to "Expert Systems" , such IF statements requires expertise
to write and to understand , and error prone , and requires much testing .

The disadvantage ( as being mentioned by a mailing list member ) will be
man power to manage the Handbook for different versions .

Personally , I never want to enter a possible dispute with mailing list
members .

I think , the required effort for version specific Handbook is much less
than multiple version covering Handbook , because , if any change is not
applied to a prior version , which is mostly the case ,
its Handbook will also not be modified .
If a change is applied to a version and it is copied also to prior versions
, the changes to the Handbook may also be copied to their Handbooks . This
will not be difficult than to modify a multiple version contained Handbook .

As a result , again my primary suggestion is to make the Handbook version
specific : When a version is branched , its Handbook and related other
documentation also should be branched and maintained with the related
version .

Thank you very much .

Mehmet Erol Sanliturk

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