docs/172369: mkisofs(8)/growisofs(1m) don't specify UDF version

Ronald F.Guilmette rfg at
Fri Oct 5 19:50:14 UTC 2012

>Number:         172369
>Category:       docs
>Synopsis:       mkisofs(8)/growisofs(1m) don't specify UDF version
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       non-critical
>Priority:       medium
>Responsible:    freebsd-doc
>State:          open
>Class:          doc-bug
>Submitter-Id:   current-users
>Arrival-Date:   Fri Oct 05 19:50:12 UTC 2012
>Originator:     Ronald F. Guilmette
>Release:        FreeBSD 8.3-RELEASE amd64

System: FreeBSD 8.3-RELEASE


Tha man pages for mkisofs(8) and growisofs(1m) fail to specify which version
of the UDF standard the generated output of these programs conforms to.

This is important because there are scurrilous rumors floating around the
Internet to the effect that FreeBSD does not support the most recect revisons
(2.50 & 2.60) of the UDF format standard.

It would be Nice to knoe if these rumors are true or not.


man 8 mksiofs
man 1m growisofs


Document which version(s) of the UDF standard are supported/generated by
mkisofs and growisofs.

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