Need advice to help me fix build process of translated documentation

Glen Barber gjb at
Mon May 14 18:20:13 UTC 2012


On Mon, May 14, 2012 at 02:28:25PM -0300, Edson Brandi wrote:
> Hello Guys,
> Just a small update about build problems that i reported some weeks ago
> >>> #### Issue 3 ####
> >>> - For some strange reason sgml markup <quote>…</quote> aren't getting
> >>> translated into "…" , i'm not able to find what i need do to fix this. Any advice
> >>> about what i`m doing wrong?
> >>> Example of this behavior: ,
> >>> name o Jordan K. Hubbard was supposed to be between quotes, sgml file are marked correctly.
> A friend was able to fix this problem with <quote></quote>
> replacement, it was related with tidy version installed by docproj
> meta port.
> When we install docproj meta port it install tidy-devel
> (tidy-lib-090315.c_1) , our problem has been solved when we removed
> tidy-devel package and installed old version of tidy
> (tidy4-20000804_3).

Ah, good to know.  I did notice this in my local build for en_US a few
days ago, but made no progress tracking it down.  Glad you did.  :)

> >>> #### Issue 3 ####
> >>> - I'm also having troubles with sgml markup <warning>…</warning> ,
> >>> this was supposed to be translated into a red box where paragraphs start with
> >>> "Atenção:" , for some reason my html files are missing a ":" (colon).
> >>> Example of this behavior:
> This problem has been fixed adding few lines to our freebsd.dsl file:
> I think that translation of FDP Primer to pt_BR will be finished in
> more some days



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