Tidy and HTML tab spacing

Gabor Kovesdan gabor at FreeBSD.org
Sat Jan 21 23:32:49 UTC 2012

On 2012.01.18. 23:49, Warren Block wrote:
> 5. Don't tidy HTML files at all (suggested as an option by Benedict
>    Reuschling).  The unprocessed HTML is ugly, but few people are going
>    to look at it directly.  Files that haven't been through tidy are a
>    little larger, about 4% in the case of the Porter's Handbook. 
I also think tidy should be removed. As hrs wrote, new standards should 
be evaluated and probably they are much better. (I think they are.) If 
there are some nits, then we should process it with a custom script or 
something, instead of this crapware.


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